Vision Therapy

An individualized vision therapy plan is designed with the intention of enhancing binocularity, oculomotor movements, and visual processing of a patient’s visual system.

Vision Therapy

Vision therapy is an effective treatment for both children and adults. Vision therapy is a type of treatment that you may need if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms: blurred or fluctuating vision, double vision, tracking difficulties, or difficulties processing visual information. An individualized vision therapy plan is designed with the intention of enhancing binocularity, oculomotor movements, and visual processing of a patient’s visual system.

Ready to schedule an appointment?

Make an appointment, or ask us any questions you may have.
We’d love to help!

We are specialists

Vision is more than 20/20

At Optic Gallery, we provide specialized vision care as part of a multidisciplinary team. Optic Gallery is a place for individuals whose needs cannot be met with a general eye examination or prescription glasses alone.

Visual Therapy Form

Please fill out this Visual Therapy form


How Do I Know if I Might Need Vision Therapy?

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, please contact our offices, so we can schedule your Functional Vision Exam with Dr. Joseph Lao!

• Skip lines while reading or copying
• Reread words or lines
• Squint, close or cover one eye while reading
• Poor reading comprehension
• Difficulty with eye-hand coordination with sports activities


Binocular Vision evaluates and
identifies any visual deficiencies
with visual perception and
processing speed.

Vision Exam

Is an assessment for patients that
experienced traumatic brain injuries
(Stroke, Traumatic Brain Injury,


Sports Vision is an assessment for
athletes that want to improve
their performance.


Is an assessment that determines
accuracy and efficiency of visual
information that is processed
by the brain.



Optic Gallery Locations

Optic Gallery Stephanie Street

543 N. Stephanie Street Suite 110
Henderson NV 89014
Phone (702) 888-1079
Fax (702) 333-1016

Office Hours

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

8:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Optic Gallery Water Street

310 W. Lake Mead Pkwy Ste 120
Henderson NV 89015
Phone (702) 550-2020
Fax (702) 665-4103

Office Hours

Monday- Friday
8:30 AM- 5:00 PM

8:00 AM - 3:00 PM